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Crime and scientific /Logical decision making

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Therefore, the approach problem solving is somewhat different. Politicians often attempt to influence the manner in which a department conducts its business. Remember, a political body provides funding and support for an agency.

Consider the following:

You are the sheriff in a moderate-sized county and have 150 deputies in your department. In one particular area of your jurisdiction, there has been an increase in property crimes, specifically burglaries, during the past two months. A month ago, you placed extra uniformed patrols in the area to conduct traffic enforcement.

Earlier today, you received an email from Joe James, the county commissioner elected from the jurisdiction involved. He is upset that a large number of his constituents have received traffic citations, and they are calling his office with complaints in large numbers. He is asking you to remove the extra patrols and the traffic enforcement from the area.

Please help with some ideals to focus on and how I should respond to Mr. James in an email and explain to him the circumstances and any action you plan to take in response to his request.

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This explains the benefits of Scientific /Logical decision making and its application in crime management

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Good decision-making is the backbone of sound management. Decision-making must be like medicine where people find it understandable & acceptable to remove the pain even though it may not be palatable.

We will use critical thinking to solve this problem. "Critical thinking is that mode of thinking - about any subject, content, or problem - in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them" (Paul & Elder, 2001, p. xx).
Thinking is universal but critical thinking as a habit of life is evident in the lives of those who have mastered the process. One can spend a lifetime constructing convincing arguments, assessing valid and invalid arguments, and ...

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