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Public Health and Trans Fat

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Many states, cities and municipalities (NY City, the state of California, Montgomery County, MD) have moved to ban trans fats.

If you don't know what trans fats are, go here: http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=3045792

To assume that the reports that trans fats are dangerous to the health of the individual are, in fact, true. This is a situation where something that the individual is doing (eating things that are bad for them) does not have a DIRECT impact on the public.

Based on public health law can you help me justify banning trans fats AND create an argument against banning them?

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Solution Summary

Federal law only requires disclosure of the trans fat content of packaged foods. Since restaurants are exempt from federal nutrition labeling requirements, Americans have no consistent way of determining which restaurant foods contain high levels of trans fat and, therefore, no way of avoiding them. Trans fats clog arteries and cause heart disease. Therefore, holding restaurants liable for nutritional content helps ensure Americans are living healthier lives.

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