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Critical Thinking

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Prepare a paper describing, observing, and investigating the decision-making processes most prevalent in a Hotel industry or your own organization.

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Prepare a paper describing, observing, and investigating the decision-making processes most prevalent in a Hotel industry or your own organization.

In my organization the decision making process is greatly influenced by the culture and the strategic objectives of our company. Most decision makings have the objectives of cutting costs, increasing profitability, and achieving targets.

Every person in the organization selects the option that is in accordance with the vision, mission, and values of the organization. However, most task related decisions are related to the objectives of the project or the department.

My organization produces textile making machinery and there are different objectives relating to operations, marketing, finance, logistics, and operations. For instance, if the objective is to complete the consignment of textile machines by a particular date the objective will be to complete the consignment by that date. The objectives are then ordered and ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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