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Human Capital Development and Unionization

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How might unionization positively and negatively affect personnel management practices in government organizations? Provide specific examples.

What challenges may arise between management and unions within government organizations? What happens if these challenges cannot be resolved? Provide an example.

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This solution explains how unionization could positively and negatively affect personnel management practices in government organizations. Specific examples are provided. This solution also explains the challenges that could arise between management and unions within government organizations, and the likely events that will occur if the challenges cannot be resolved.

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There are only slight differences when unionization takes place in government organizations as opposed to public organizations. One of the main advantages or positive aspects is that unionization sets a standard and offers management a defined process for various employee issues. Along with unionization comes certain expectations, which are preset in the union contracts that are formed between the union and management. Another benefit is that the unionization gives management a specific process for disciplinary action which has been agreed to by and between employees (the union) and management. For example, if ...

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