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Differences between an Executive Director and Board of Directors

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1. Can you explain differences in roles and responsibilities between an executive director and a board of directors and which relate to the board as a group or individual.

2. What could be the potential consequences of board/staff confusion of these roles.
Could you provide examples and references please.

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This solution describes the key differences between an executive director and a board of directors.

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1. The difference is in roles and responsibilities between an executive director and a Board of Directors includes the fact that an executive director is an individual that is responsible for the overall operations of an organization or department etc. This individual is responsible for the overall operational success and effectiveness of an organization. Due to this factor, the responsibilities of an executive director include developing the strategic plan for the organization, as well as helping to set up the organizational structure, ...

Solution provided by:
  • Criminal Justice, Elizabeth City State University
  • Master of Public Administration, North Carolina Central University
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