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Environmental Management System (EMS)

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How is an EMS used to move away from actions dictated by regulations and focus on activities and their effect on the environment, with an eye to shareholder value?

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EMS and how it is used to focus on activities that affect the environment. References are included.

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An Environmental Management System (EMS) serves as a framework to systematically manage an organization's environmental management structure which addresses immediate and long-term effects of its processes, products, and services on the environment. Resources are allocated which gives consistency for an organization to address their environmental concerns. EMS serves as a tool to improve an organization's performance with regards to environmental management and it focuses on a continuous improvement of the system. (N.C. Division of Pollution Prevention & Env. Assistance)
Organizations understand the value of being concerned with the environment and the value of having an EMS. EMS can assist organizations in fulfilling their responsibilities for the future condition of our world environment. EMS is also a way to comply with new environmentally related legislation. It is another method of saving costs, while reducing a company's environmental liability. All of these are done for a noble purpose of taking care of the global environment for fellow citizens. The ...

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