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Global Business Consultants in the United States Corporations

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As a consultant to a leader in a United States corporation, you have been hired to lead a diverse team in the development of a global organization. The organization is planting business operations in Greece, Singapore, Germany, and Iran, and will be hiring employees from these diverse nations to work along with staff from the United States.
In this assignment, you will address the foundational leadership concerns surrounding the development of this diverse global group of employees.
Germany Greece Iran Singapore
Assertiveness 4.55 4.58 4.04 4.17
Future Orientation 4.27 3.40 3.70 5.07
Gender Egalitarianism 3.10 3.48 2.99 3.70
Humane Orientation 3.18 3.34 4.23 3.49
Individualism & Collectivism 3.79 3.25 3.88 4.90
Performance Orientation 4.25 3.20 4.58 4.90
Power Distance 5.25 5.40 5.43 4.99
Uncertainty Avoidance 5.22 3.39 3.67 5.31
Write a paper of 1,000-1,250 words that identifies the key issues in the formation of the diverse global group of employees described above. Include the following in your analysis:
1. A description of the available cultural assessment tools and how they could be applied to assess the organizational culture of and to identify cultural gaps within this group.
2. A description of how your leadership style and techniques will be influenced by the social culture and diversity of this group.
3. A description of how the social culture of this group will likely influence workplace outcomes and productivity of the group.
4. A description of how the social culture and diversity of the individuals on the team will influence the greater organizational culture.

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Global business consultants in the United States corporations are examined.

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Write a paper of 1,000-1,250 words that identifies the key issues in the formation of the diverse global group of employees described above. Include the following in your analysis:
1. A description of the available cultural assessment tools and how they could be applied to assess the organizational culture of and to identify cultural gaps within this group.

There are many available cultural assessment tools that can be applied for this scenario; I will discuss the most common assessment tools when assessing organizational culture as well as the assessment tools most important for cultural competence in diverse organizations. It's imperative to understand that organizational culture is different than cultural competence as the organizational culture encapsulates the behavior, mission, and rules and regulations associated with the specific organization while cultural competence is placated upon understanding the different ethnicities, races, and cultural characteristics of employees who hail from diverse backgrounds.

The first assessment that should be used is the Organizational Cultural Assessment Instrument (OCAI). This tool is effective in helping organizations identify the current organizational perceptions and objectives to facilitate an environment that is conducive to the desired results that leadership seeks for the organization by eliminating any gaps that may exist within the organization that prevent the organization from reaching its full potential. This assessment will be vital in establishing a strategic plan that will be used to incorporate cultural competence into the organization's vision and mission ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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