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How does process reengineering impact the field of training?

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How does process reengineering impact the field of training?

Detail at least two ways process reengineering impacts the field of training. Give an example.

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The following posting discusses how process reengineering impacts the field of training.

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Process re-engineering

Process re engineering is defined as the radical redesign of business processes which aims at achieving dramatic improvements on when it comes to productivity and performance within the business system. Radical redesign means getting rid of any existing processes and procedures and latter inventing new ones. Dramatic improvement on the other hand means a quantum leap in performance. Process re-engineering involves changing the work of the environment radically. With an aim of ensuring efficiency and productivity, individual processes are combined. Moreover, increasing the speed to the market and eliminating process roadblocks requires workers to make decisions on the spot which not only becomes beneficial for the overall business performance but also increases employee satisfaction as well as their loyalty. Employees are ...

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