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Innovation Roles and the Most Important Role

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Which innovation role is the most critical for a successful innovation? Provide examples to support your opinion.

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This solution of 375 words discusses innovation as a key component to business success. Management or the Project Manager needs to know the innovation roles and how to find the right people for those roles. References used are included.

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Management of Innovation
Which innovation role is the most critical for a successful innovation? Provide examples to support your opinion.

There are nine innovation roles: Revolutionary, Conscript, Connector, Artist, Customer Champion, Troubleshooter, Judge, Magic Maker and Evangelist.
The Revolutionary is always eager to change things, shake them up and to share his/her opinion. They have a lot of ideas and they are not afraid to share them. In a group session or meeting, these individuals will generate 80% - 90% of the team's ideas.
The Conscript has a lot of great ...

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