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Model of Training Processes

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Describe how the model of training processes serves as a problem-solving tool. Include a brief explanation of each of the five phases.

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This solution describes how the model of training processes serves as a problem-solving tool. It gives an explanation of the five phases. Includes APA formatted references.

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Describe how the model of training processes serves as a problem-solving tool. Include a brief explanation of each of the five phases.

The model of training processes serves as a problem solving tool because it identifies the needs of the organization, determines if training is needed, the content and scope of the training, creates a solution as well as a basis of measurement. In addition, it involves evaluation; allowing the organization to determine the training successfully addressed the need. Ultimately, the model of training processes helps an organization better align their training with the company's strategy. ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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