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President Obama's stimulus program

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President Obama's stimulus program involves spending almost one trillion dollars on various government programs and tax cuts. Much will be spent on infrastructure such as bridges and roads and as such will require the purchase of vast quantities of steel. Do you think it is appropriate for the program to place restrictions that only U.S. produced steel can be used and imported steel, no matter how well produced or priced, cannot be utilized.

How would this impact global markets?
How would the impact our economy?

In your opinion please provide me with some direction on the impact this could have on the economy as a whole.

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Solution Summary

President Obama's stimulus program involves spending almost one trillion dollars on various government programs and tax cuts.

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This situation will increase money supply in the economy as government spending will come into rotation in the U.S. economy, rather than going abroad on imported steel. Therefore, the purpose to stimulate the economy will be achieved ...

Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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