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Structures That Facilitate Creativity Within An Organization

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1. What structures and conditions facilitate creativity and innovation within an organization? What structures inhibit creativity and innovation? Give examples of each.

2. Share an example when you have observed dysfunctional learning within an organizational. Discuss ways to avoid or change the dysfunctional behavior.

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Solution Summary

The response provides you a structured explanation of team development that leads to innovation. It also gives you the relevant references.

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1. Structures and conditions that facilitated creatively and innovation are the team structure and an open organization. The team structure enables sharing of ideas, and creative ideas emerge. There is freedom to test out new ideas. The team structure with people having the right skills helps develop creative responses to problems. Also, the conditions of open communication and an organization culture that encourages sharing of information is important for creativity and innovation. For example a team of researchers ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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