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Summary of this Event: Harlem Globe Trotters

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Create a summary of this event: Harlem Globe Trotters Comedy Basketball. Harlem Globe Trotters vs St. Augustine Shorts

Basically you should answer the following: a. Provide the basic information about the event: What are the Who, What, When, Why, Where, and How of the event? b. What was successful about this event? What should they keep doing? c. What was unsuccessful about this event? What should they stop doing? d. What could they do to improve the event in the future? What should they start doing?

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Solution Summary

This solution provides a sample event summary of the Harlem Globe Trotters.

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Harlem Globe Trotters Comedy Basketball. Harlem Globe Trotters vs St. Augustine Shorts

To raise money for the Homeless Coalition. At Pedro Menendez High School Volunteers man tickets, concessions, and seating. School Board and Sheriff's Office provided security and crowd control.

The event generated a lot of interest in the school and among the families of students. There was also interest and sales to those involved in the homeless organizations and several charity organizations. The event was looking moderately successful. The event eventually failed because of unforeseen circumstances, a combination of a wildfire and major traffic jam on the two ...

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