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Sustainable supply chain management

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Please respond to the following questions:

1. Indicate specific areas of research in a sustainable supply chain that would prove beneficial.

2. What potential impact might a sustainable supply chain have on the overall state of the field and the future directions of global supply chain management research in the next 3-5 years?

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This solution discusses certain specific areas of research that would be most beneficial in a sustainable supply chain and identifies the potential impact that a sustainable supply chain could have on the overall state of the relevant field and on future directions for global supply chain management over the next several years.

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1. Indicate specific areas of further research into sustainable supply chain management that would prove beneficial.

The most specific area of further research for sustainable supply chain management is predicated upon the use of e-procurement to enhance key business outcomes associated with sustainable supply chain management. This is a business-to-business purchasing practice that enables companies to utilize electronic ...

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