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Verizon Wireless Market Structure

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Verizon Wireless Market Structure

I need to include the following information in my case analysis for Verizon Wireless.

Name a major competitor of your selected company.

Do they share the same target market?

What differentiates your product and/or service from each other in terms of utility?

What differentiates your product and/or service in terms of packaging, size and availability?

Are your products and/or services available in the same geographic location, both domestic and international? Who has more global reach?

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This paper shows the comparision of market structure between AT&T and Verizon Wireless.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 792 words with references.

//Before discussing about any Company, we should get adequate knowledge about the Company's background because it makes us feasible for further discussion. So, firstly, we will discuss about the firm 'Verizon wireless' under the heading of introduction: //


Verizon Wireless is the second largest communication company in the US with annual revenue of more than $43.9 billion. Number of employees in the Verizon Wireless is about 69,000 and they are providing services to about 67.2 million US customers. Verizon wireless is the joint venture of Vodafone and Verizon Communications and its headquarters are established in Basking Ridge, New Jersey (Overview, 2008).

//In any type of business, the role of competitor is very important. To be successful in the industry; it is essential to know about Competitors and a proper understanding of its target market. So, here, we will converse about the Competitors and target market of Verizon Wireless. //


Major competitor of the Verizon Wireless is AT&T Mobility. AT&T is the leading organization in the US telecommunication market based on customers. Annual revenue of AT&T is $42.7 billion, which is less while compared to the revenue of Verizon Wireless.

Target Market

Verizon has mainly targeted the business people and families as its potential customers. It is the most authentic wireless network in the US. AT&T Mobility offers ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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