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Whole Foods Market Analysis of Output (Nadler Congruence)

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Use the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Module to analyze Whole Foods Market's outputs. Start with the Organizational Level. Identify the Outputs - what does it produce and sell? What are its goals? How has it been performing? Then go the group level. What are some groups that Whole Foods Market identifies, and the goals and performance of these groups. Finally, discuss the Individual level. Here you will find it difficult to get much detailed information, so identify five to seven key jobs and their outputs. How can the performance of these jobs be measured? Finally determine the congruence of the outputs and make a strong argument for your case.

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The solution contains over 800 words and it analyzes Whole Foods Market's output as per Nadler Tushman Congruence Model.

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Let us start the analysis of WFM's output at the organizational level. The company is the leader in the natural and organic food segment in the United States and offers a wide range of natural and organic food products and beverages via its strong network of stores throughout the United States. The company has an international presence in Canada and UK as well. Over the years, Whole Foods has achieved steady revenue growth, high profitability and margins as compared to competitors and steady expansion of stores.

The company has traditionally focused on the premium or wealthy segment as organic/natural foods were perceived to be expensive and companies such as Whole Foods used to charge premium for such products. However, the company is shifting its focus to other segments of the market as well and offering affordable organic and natural food products as well. The increasing competition from other retail chains such as Walmart as well as host of other players including neighborhood retailers has forced Whole Foods to reconsider its strategy. The company still enjoys leadership position in this segment and is well poised to capitalize on the strong growth in the natural and organic product segment. The company's effort to adapt as per changing market conditions will ensure growth and leadership position for the company in this segment.

The goal and vision of the company is to ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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