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Elementary Math problems

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1. Describe what category (Join, Separate, Part-Part Whole) the problem fits in and which sub-type (Result unknown, Change unknown, Start unknown, Part unknown, Whole unknown) it is.

2. Describe the strategy the student uses for each question.

3. Describe how Problem 6 differs from Problem 7, other than in the contexts and numbers in the problems? Why might this be significant for mathematics learning and teaching?

4. Choose a problem the student solved correctly and a problem he did not solve correctly. What factors do you think made the latter problem more difficult for the student? Be sure to use data from the questions to justify your choices.

Questions and Answers:

1. Ishmael has 6 marbles. How many to buy to have 13 marbles altogether.
- 7 (the student counted on his fingers started from 6 to make 13)

2. Dillon has 14 colored marbles. 8 are blue, rest are red. How many red marbles?
- 22 (the student wrote down 14+8)

3. Dillon has some toy cars. Buys 4 more toy cars. 9 toy cars total. How many did Dillon start with?
- 10? Teacher reads it again. 13 (9+4)

4. Dillon has 9 marbles. Ishmael has 4. How many Dillon has than Ishmael?
- 5 (9-4) counted on his fingers.

5. Dillon pack of gum has 5 pieces. How many pieces of gum altogether if you had 3 packs of gum?
- 15 (every pack has 5 so 5+5+5)

6. 18 M&Ms, 3 children want to share them. How many would each child get?
- 6 each (Using blocks, made 3 of 6 blocks put together)

7. 20 children filed trip. Each car has seatbelts for 4 children, how many cars need to drive all 20?
- 5 (Using blocks, made 5 of 4 blocks put together)

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Solution Summary

This solution covers elementary math problems dealing with result unknown, change unknown, start unknown, part unknown, whole unknown

Solution provided by:
  • MBA, Aspen University
  • Bachelor of Science , Berea College
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