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Business Ethics

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Are some products too dangerous to be marketed in any circumstance? What regulations, if any, would you place on marketing cigarettes? Handguns?

Prescription drugs? As a starting point, refer to The American Marketing Association's Statement of Ethics found at http://www.marketingpower.com/AboutAMA/Pages/Statement%20of%20Ethics.aspx that provides guidelines for marketing products. You can then use that code to find other codes and perhaps regulations that may address this issue.

The Federal Trade Commission regulates advertising based on two criteria: deception and unfairness. How can an ad be unfair? Who gets hurt by deceptive advertising? Examine the decision-making process to determine how an ad can be unfair, and examine the stakeholders to decide who gets hurt by deceptive advertising. For clarification, the Federal Trade Commission General Advertising Policies can be found at: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/guides/guides.shtm

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Yes, there are some products too dangerous to be marketed in any circumstances. For example, missiles and other military weapons that could potentially result to massive loss of human lives. Though there are also dangerous products that are still allowed to be marketed such as cigarettes, prescription drugs and handguns.

In doing so marketers, can apply the American Marketing Association's Statement of Ethics in developing appropriate marketing programs and activities for these products. AMA's Statement of Ethics mandates marketers to "do no harm, foster trust in the ...

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