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Financial Ethics

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Using the Internet, or other resources locate an article discussing ethics in accounting and financial decision making. Prepare a 350-700-word review of your selected article. Address the following items in your review:
1. Briefly summarize the article.
2. Relate the article to the assigned readings for this week.
3. Discuss how the concepts of the article relate and/or apply to your current, or former, organization.
4. Make recommendations for improvement for the organization based on the article.
5. Explain the importance of ethics in accounting and financial decision making. Be sure to include a description of the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act and its impact on accounting and financial decision making.
6. Properly cite the article in your review.

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Solution Summary

The solution discusses Using the Internet, or other resources locate an article discussing ethics in accounting and financial decision making. Prepare a 350-700-word review of your selected article. Address the following items in your review:
1. Briefly summarize the article.
2. Relate the article to the assigned readings for this week.
3. Discuss how the concepts of the article relate and/or apply to your current, or former, organization.
4. Make recommendations for improvement for the organization based on the article.
5. Explain the importance of ethics in accounting and financial decision making. Be sure to include a description of the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act and its impact on accounting and financial decision making.
6. Properly cite the article in your review.

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Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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