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What is Ethics

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Ethics is the practice of integrating moral principles in and outside of the workplace. Ethics enables a person to determine what is acceptable and what is unacceptable or the difference between right and wrong. It is my belief that if a person who follows all regulations, laws and guidelines, are adhering to the code of conduct set forth by the organization, however it does not mean that they are ethical.

"Being ethical is not the same as doing whatever society accepts. In any society, most people accept standards that are, in fact, ethical. But standards of behavior in society can deviate from what is ethical. An entire society can become ethically corrupt. Nazi Germany is a good example of a morally corrupt society (Makkula, 2003).

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Ethics is the practice of integrating moral principles in and outside of the workplace. Ethics enables a person to determine what is acceptable and what is unacceptable or the difference between right and wrong. It is my belief that if a person who follows all regulations, laws and guidelines, are adhering to the code of conduct set forth by the organization, however it does not mean that they are ethical.

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Ethics is the practice of integrating moral principles in and outside of the workplace. Ethics enables a person to determine what is acceptable and what is unacceptable or the difference between right and wrong. It is my belief that if a person who follows all regulations, laws and guidelines, are adhering to the code of conduct set forth by the organization, however it does not mean that they are ...

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