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Decision making under constriants.

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Gluth Company makes three products in a single facility. These products have the following unit product costs (PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED FILE FOR THE DATA):

The mixing machines are potentially the constraint in the production facility. A total of 23,200 minutes are available per month on these machines.
Direct labor is a variable cost in this company.

a. How many minutes of mixing machine time would be required to satisfy demand for all four products?
b. How much of each product should be produced to maximize net operating income? (Round off to the nearest whole unit.)
c. Up to how much should the company be willing to pay for one additional hour of mixing machine time if the company has made the best use of the existing mixing machine capacity? (Round off to the nearest whole cent.)

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Solution Summary

The solution shows how to make decisions under situations of constraint.

Constraint resources are resources that limit the amount of production in a company.

Solution provided by:
  • B. Sc., University of Nigeria
  • M. Sc., London South Bank University
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  • "Thank you."
  • "thank you Chidi Ngene.. if you have any APA references would be great"
  • "Thank you so much for your help, your explanations were easy to understand and apply!"
  • "are you able to highlight the equations used either on the xlsx or a word doc as to how each graph was formed- overall looks fine i just need help understanding this myself"
  • "Chidi Ngene, M. Sc. Was extremely helpful as without the help and guidance I would have failed, but with the help I passed. I still have a lot to learn and in need of the guidance to understand and learn more on the subject. I would recommend Chidi Ngene and BrainMass to anyone that are in need of help. Thank you!!"
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