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Improve Public Relation

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Please help with the following problem.

As you look at how you might improve the PR function for your organization, what steps would you recommend that is taken to beef up and improve the effectiveness of the PR campaign? Example: Press releases, Feature articles, Fact sheets, Newsletter, etc.

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This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation to answer the request of the assignment of more than 200 words of text. A step by step solution is given. Concepts discusses include press releases, event sponsorships and letters to the editor.

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Improve Public Relation

Problem: As you look at how you might improve the PR function for your organization, what steps would you recommend that is taken to beef up and improve the effectiveness of the PR campaign? Example: Press releases, Feature articles, Fact sheets, Newsletter, etc.

Public relation is a components of one of the marketing mix i.e., promotion. We can improve the effectiveness of the PR campaign of our ...

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