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Cyrus Brown wants to develop a cash budget for his latest venture: Cyrus Brown Manufacturing (CBM).

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To avoid any uncertainty regarding his business' financing needs at the time when such needs may arise, Cyrus Brown wants to develop a cash budget for his latest venture: Cyrus Brown Manufacturing (CBM). He has estimated the following sales forecast for CBM over the next 9 months:

March $100,000
April $275,000
May $320,000
June $450,000
July $700,000
August $700,000
September $825,000
October $500,000
November $115,000
He has also gathered the following collection estimates regarding the forecast sales:

Payment collection within the month of sale = 25%
Payment collection the month following sales = 55%
Payment collection the second month following sales = 20%
Payments for direct manufacturing costs like raw materials and labor are made during the month that follows the one in which such costs have been incurred. These costs are estimated as follows:

March $187,500
April $206,250
May $375,000
June $337,500
July $431,250
August $640,000
September $395,000
October $425,000
Additional financial information is as follows:

Administrative salaries will approximately amount to $35,000 a month.
Lease payments around $15,000 a month.
Depreciation charges, $15,000 a month.
A one-time new plant investment in the amount of $95,000 is expected to be incurred and paid in June.
Income tax payments estimated to be around $55,000 will be due in both June and September.
And finally, miscellaneous costs are estimated to be around $10,000 a month.
Cash on hand on March 1 will be around $50,000, and a minimum cash balance of $50,000 shall be on hand at all times.

Prepare a monthly cash budget for Cyrus Brown Manufacturing for the 9-month period of March through November.

Based on your cash budget findings, answer the following questions:
Will the company need any outside financing?
What is the minimum line of credit that CBM will need?
What do you think of CBM's cash position during the budget period? Do you see any concerns for the company in this regard?
If you were a bank manager, would you want CBM as your client? Why or why not?

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Solution Summary

Your tutorial is 278 words discussing the cash flow analysis from Mar to Nov, including the insights about borrowings and repayments and whether a bank might like a client like this firm. Your cash budget is in excel (click in cells to see computations). There are no references as this was not a research-based (just used my own procedural knowledge).

Solution Preview

See excel attached for cash flow budget.


Will the company need any outside financing?

Yes. Starting in January and until October when they can repay all the borrowings, they need outside financing.

What is the minimum line of credit that CBM will need?

The largest amount of borrowings during the year, without considering interest payments, is $415,250. So, the line should be at least that plus perhaps a cushion because these are estimated ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, University of Virginia
  • MSc, University of Virginia
  • PhD, Georgia State University
Recent Feedback
  • "hey just wanted to know if you used 0% for the risk free rate and if you didn't if you could adjust it please and thank you "
  • "Thank, this is more clear to me now."
  • "Awesome job! "
  • "ty"
  • "Great Analysis, thank you so much"
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