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Apple's Competitive Advantage/Are People Fiscal/Health Consc

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A) Do you think Apple is having one of the most competitive advantages of the market right now?
B) Do you agree that a lot people have become more fiscally and health conscious in recent years and this makes it more difficult for restaurants to maintain their appeal?Explain

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Solution Summary

This solution answers:
A) Do you think Apple is having one of the most competitive advantages of the market right now?
B) Do you agree that a lot people have become more fiscally and health conscious in recent years and this makes it more difficult for restaurants to maintain their appeal?Explain

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A) Do you Apple is having one of the most competitive advantages of the market right now.?

Apple has a definite competitive advantage by controlling the entire process of their products, integrating iTunes, Mac software, and iphone/ipod/ipad technology within their superiorly designed products. Plus, the company has wisely maintained high prices to preserve margins on their product. Apple has proven itself to be innovative and willing to be the first in the marketplace. In addition, the company has developed expert negotiation skills to get what they want ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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