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"The Power of Positive Confrontation" by Barbara Pachter.

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Please provide a summary of "The Power of Positive Confrontation" by Barbara Pachter.

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This is a summary of "The Power of Positive Confrontation" by Barbara Pachter.

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Author: Pachter, Barbara and Magee, Susan
Book title: The Power of Positive Confrontation: The Skills You Need to Know to Handle Conflicts at Work, at Home and in Life
Publisher and year: 2001, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Da Capo Press
Book Summary
This book is divided into three main parts which in turn are subdivided into more specific chapters (16 chapters in total), further subdivided into specific sections headed by an explanatory title. A lot of examples are used through out the book in order to clarify and validate theoretic aspects of the book as well as lead the reader to think about their confrontation skills. At the end of the book a twelve step pep talk of relevant concepts are included so that the book can be used for quick consultation.
Simplicity (but not Shallowness) best describes the book with the authors moving away from specialized jargon when possible and offering plain explanations and definitions where a technical concept is used. This way anyone interested in how to deal with confrontations but not necessarily experts in the field may be able to follow with ease.
As Pachter and Magee establish in the first part of the book, the aim of the book is to provide a practical step by step guide to positive confrontations, how a person can improve their ability to confront people and ways to live a conflict free life. In Chapter one the authors describes different situations that have given rise to conflicts. They show in depth the big and small picture of conflict and assert that conflicts can happen anywhere, and this often results into confrontations. In most cases ineffective communication often aggregates the level of conflicts between. The chapter identifies twelve kinds of behaviors that most likely causes of conflicts and confrontation in the daily normal life.
Chapter two of the book analyses in depth the problem of communication in resolving conflicts or during confrontations. She points out that the way a person was brought up is what would determine how they resolve a conflict. On one extreme end they could wimps or on the other they could be ...

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