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This post addresses levels of conflict in organizations.

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There are four primary levels of conflict that may be present in organizations: intrapersonal (within an individual), interpersonal (between individuals), intragroup (within a group), and intergroup (between groups).

Has anyone seen any of these operating in the workplace? Please share your example and if and how it was addressed/resolved.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides a detailed discussion examining primary levels of conflict in organizations, and specifically answers the question, Has anyone seen any of these operating in the workplace? Please share your example and if and how it was addressed/resolved.

This solution is written based on 25+ years of professional experience in management.

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Interpersonal conflicts are hugely common in any workplace, and the bigger the workplace, the more interpersonal conflicts there typically are, simply because there are more people in the workplace. This has become even more prevalent with the diversification that we have seen in recent years in the workplace. We now have people from various countries living and working in our country to an extent greater than we have ever before seen in history. As a result, wee are also seeing a rise in workplace conflicts due to the diversification in the workforce. This is a situation that ...

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