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Retailers, age distribution, trends, lifestyles

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2) What types of retailers would be most affected by changes in the age distribution of the populations?

6) Should retailers care about a changing trend suchas the delay or even postponement of marriage by modern Americans? After all how does an increase in the averag age of a first marriage affect women's apparel retailing? Resturant retailing? E- tailing?

10) How are global lifestyles differnet than US lifestyles?

13) Why should a retailer care about the custome after the sale has already been made?

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Retailers, age distribution, trends, lifestyles

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What types of retailers would be most affected by changes in the age distribution of the populations?

Retailers such as garment and clothing stores would be most affected by changes in the age distribution of populations because the products they carry in their stores are directly linked to the population distribution in terms of age. If there are more number of teenagers, their clothing and accessories variety will focus more on the designs and trends of teenagers. Similarly, if there is a large percentage of middle age office going population, they will carry more formal wear.

Should retailers care about a changing trend suchas the delay or even postponement of marriage by modern Americans? After all how does an increase in the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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