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How to Meet Your Presentation Goals

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You have a meeting with a distance learning investment company's CEO and a few other high ranking officers. You are trying to obtain a loan for a distance learning company that you would like to start.

Your meeting with the CEO and other officers of the distance learning investment company will last for 35 minutes. You must get them to buy into your idea or the project will fade away.

List the following:
1. An outline of the presentation points (you will then use these to develop your PowerPoint)
2. List of materials needed you need for the presentation
3. Image you want to portray during presentation and reasons for specific items needed to portray a particular image to your audience
4. What you plan to wear to the presentation
5. Reasons for the CEO's to invest in distance learning
6. Conclude with your unique strategy plan and approach to make the presentation memorable (incorporate at least four specific ideas to make it memorable).

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Solution Summary

Based on the case scenario, this solution provides an outline for a presentation with the goal of obtaining a loan for a distance learning company. The relationship between the audience, dress, tone, image, presentation tools, unique strategy and goal attainment are explored through application.

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Please see response attached, which is also presented below. I hope this helps and take care.


1. An outline of the presentation points...

1. Distant Education is on the rise
- (add some statistics)
2. Need for the company
- What's out there?
- The apparent gap present in the market
- How your company will meet this need
3. Successful versus unsuccessful company
- What makes a company successful?
- Strategies to avoid these pitfalls
4. Technology increases Demand
-The new technology available
- Platforms Strategies
5. Unique Business Strategy
- The cost advantage of my company
- Differential advantage of the company
6. Good Investment (go over points as a closer)

2. List of materials needed you need for the presentation.

- Computer Monitor or TV Monitor for power point presentation
- Handouts of Power Point presentations

3. Image you want to portray during presentation and reasons for specific items needed to portray a particular image ...

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