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Human Behavior and Motivation

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Please answer the following in detail with your experience and with APA sources, Please give full explanation on the comparison of different perspectives.

Compare different perspectives on human behavior and motivation and analyze how these translate to organizational reward systems.

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There are three basic approached or perspectives on human behavior and motivation in organizations.

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There are three basic approached or perspectives on human behavior and motivation in organizations.

Content Perspective Approached to Motivation:

This approach tries to identify factors that affect motivation. Some of the most prominent theories within this approach are:

1) Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory: Mallow's hierarchy of needs Suggests that people must satisfy five groups of needs in order--physiological, security, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization:

1) Physiological needs: things like food, sex, and air that represent basic issues of survival and biological function.
Satisfied by: wages, the work environment itself, which provides restrooms, comfortable temperatures, etc.

2) Security needs: for a secure physical and emotional environment: free from worry about money and job security, no layoffs, if illness no loose job. Etc.

3) Belongingness needs: relate to social processes. The need for love and affection. The need to be accepted by one peer.

4) Esteem needs: actually comprise two different set of needs: the need for a positive self-image and self-respect and the need for recognition and respect from others.

5) Self-actualization needs: realizing one's potential for continued growth and individual development.

ERG theory of motivation: This theory Suggests that people's needs are grouped into three possibly overlapping categories--existence, relatedness, and growth

3. Two-factor theory of motivation: This theory Suggests that people's satisfaction and dissatisfaction are influenced by two independent sets of factors--motivation factors and hygiene factors.

This approach is quite important in determining reward systems. By carefully analyzing the needs of the employees or factors that will motivate them, Organizations can ...

Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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