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I am writing a short 4-5 page scholarly paper describing how individual attitudes, values, personality, ethics and cultural differences influence organizational behavior. My problem is I have writer's block and need some ideas and perhaps an outline. Thank you.

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motivation is discussed very comprehensively in this explanation..

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Compare and contrast theories and concepts of motivation to develop strategies for improving work performance.
I am writing a short 4-5 page scholarly paper describing how individual attitudes, values, personality, ethics and cultural differences influence organizational behavior. My problem is I have writer's block and need some ideas and perhaps an outline. Thank you.

Individual attitudes, values, personality, ethics and cultural differences influence organization behavior. Organization behavior in one sense is the sum total of the behaviors of individuals. Every individual who is a part of the organization influences organization behavior based on his attitudes, values, personality, ethics and cultural differences.
Let us first consider attitudes. This is the distinct tendency of the individual that finds expressing in evaluating an entity, person, action or strategy with some degree of favor or disfavor. In short it is a positive or a negative evaluation. What do attitudes lead to? It leads to stereotyping, discrimination, prejudices, strong likes and dislikes, need to conform, need for social behavior and the urge to persuade others. When an individual is a part of an organization, say a company, his attitudes will affect the organizational behavior in several ways. For instance, if a purchase officer has a positive attitude towards German products, a larger proportion of German materials, supplies and stores will be used and purchased.
If we consider values, these are deeply held beliefs about what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is appropriate. These values are acquired during childhood and are held deeply by the person. What is important is that these values remain relatively stable during adulthood and affect organizational behavior. Consider the example where the CFO instructs an accountant to inflate the current year's profits. The accountant has held the values that one must be honest and truthful. He is likely to avoid making the entries required to inflate profits. He may even protest or turn into a whistle blower. Organizational behavior is affected.
Let us consider the personality of individuals. This is the mental organization of individuals. It is a pattern of mental processes that arises from motives, feelings, thoughts and other areas of the psychological functions. The personality finds expression in the social behavior of the person and influences his mental life. Consider the example of a company that has the policy of recruiting individuals with an outgoing personality. These individuals will seek to interact with other individuals ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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  • "I read your comments, and thank you for this feedback. Do I need to find other studies that applied this methodology Ive used? That's where I'm stuck at."
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