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Business deductions

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Kimberly is a self-employed taxpayer. She recently spent $1,000 for airfare to travel to Italy. What amount of the airfare is she allowed to deduct in each of the following alternative scenarios?
a. Her trip was entirely for personal purposes.
b. On the trip, she spent eight days on personal activities and two days on business activities.
c. On the trip, she spent eight days on business activities and two days on personal activities.
d. Her trip was entirely for business purposes.

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Kimberly is a self-employed taxpayer. She recently spent $1,000 for airfare to travel to Italy. What amount of the airfare is she allowed to deduct in each of the following alternative scenarios?
a. Her trip was entirely for personal purposes.
b. On the trip, she spent eight days on personal activities and two days on business activities.
c. On the trip, she spent eight days on business activities and two days on personal activities.
d. Her trip was entirely for business purposes.

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Kimberly is a self-employed taxpayer. She recently spent $1,000 for airfare to travel to Italy. What amount of the airfare is she allowed to deduct in each of the following alternative ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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