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Evaluate Walmart's Financial Performance During the Past 2 Years

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Evaluate Wal-Mart's financial performance during the past 2 years, using financial ratios. Calculate the ratios for each year:

Return on equity
Average Collection Period

Discuss the trend for each ratio and what it tells you about the organization's financial health.

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Solution Summary

The expert evaluates Walmart's financial performances during the past two years. Financial ratios are used.

Solution Preview

Wal-Mart is the biggest retail chain in world having turnover of more than $400 billion. During the fiscal year ended January 31, 2010 (fiscal 2010), The Walmart U.S. segment accounted for 63.8% of its net sales, and operated retail stores in different formats in the United States, as well as Walmart's online retail operations, walmart.com. The International segment consists of retail operations in 14 countries and Puerto Rico. During fiscal 2010, the segment generated 24.7% of the Company's net sales.

Financial Analysis
Current ratio measures the liquidity position of the organization. It indicates the ...

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