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What would you do if you know that your "whistleblowing"

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What would you do if you know that your "whistleblowing" will start a process that will destroy many careers (potentially your own included), the layoffs of many friends and coworkers when the scandal exploded, the loss of many savings and retirement monies.

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The solution discusses what would you do if you know that your "whistleblowing" will start a process that will destroy many careers (potentially your own included), the layoffs of many friends and coworkers when the scandal exploded, the loss of many savings and retirement monies.

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I would definitely blow the whistle. While it is true that whistleblowers cost jobs, savings, benefits, and a host of other consequences, you have to really look at the other side of the issue. The alternative would be for the person having knowledge of the situation to not be a whistleblower, at which ...

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