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Equal Employment Laws

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Employment laws are intended to protect the rights of classes of people who have been underrepresented in the workforce in the past. Employers with government contracts are required to develop and maintain affirmative action plans that demonstrate a positive effort to fully and fairly consider qualified applicants regardless of race, gender, disability, age, or religion. Though progress has been made, its impact on employment is arguable.

-Have employment laws effectively leveled the playing field for everyone such that affirmative action plans are no longer relevant? Substantiate your response with relevant examples.

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This solution explains if employment laws effectively leveled the playing field for everyone to the degree that affirmative action plans are no longer needed.

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-Have employment laws effectively leveled the playing field for everyone such that affirmative action plans are no longer relevant? Substantiate your response with relevant examples.

Employment laws have effectively leveled the playing field to some extent, but there are many problems that have been created or not resolved even with equal employment opportunities. Many large employers, including those in the private and ...

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