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HR; Pay For Performance and Rating Performance Effectively

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My Organization is Buckingham Adult Medical Day Care Center in New Jersey
Pay-For-Performance Approaches:
1-Does your organization have a pay-for-performance system? If so, describe how it works. If your organization does not, discuss the type of plan they do have and whether or not you think they should have a pay-for-performance plan.

Rating Performance Effectively:

2-Which performance appraisal formats does your organization use? Given what you learned in the reading for this week, how could it be improved? Of all of the approaches found in the course reading for the week, which would you recommend as the best for your organization to use?

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Solution Summary

This solution discusses organizations Pay For Performance Approach. Does your organization have one? Why or Why Not? Rating Performance Effectively; What performance appraisal format does your organization use? It has a MS Word Attachment that has an indepth discussion included.

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1-Does your organization have a pay-for-performance system? No, Buckingham Adult Medical Day Care Center would benefit from the Pay For Knowledge Plan.
If so, describe how it works.
What is Pay For Performance? Pay For Performance or Variable Pay rewards managers or employees for high productivity. Companies set specific production goals for each department and a companywide goal. Managers are rewarded on their individual department goals and companywide. The Pay For Performance is designed for a manufacturing environment. The departments would have production goals to meet as well as factory wide goals. In addition to manufacturing, sales oriented companies would benefit from Pay For Knowledge Plan. They would have individual sales goals to meet and the manager would ...

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