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Finding an IPO to Invest In

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Go to http://www.hoovers.com/global/ipoc/index.xhtml, find a current or recent IPO in which you would invest, and explain why.

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A current or recent IPO in which you would invest is found and explained. Hoovers global index is analyzed.

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The response address the queries posted in 347 words with references.
//Here, an analysis has been made to find a current and recent IPO, in which investment can be made. The IPO selected for the investment is of Compellent Technologies, Inc. along with the reason of its selection on the basis of three criteria //

I would invest in Compellent Technologies, Inc. (CML). As the buyers of the company's product are spread in various industries like education, financial services, government, insurance, health care, transportation and retail, so the risk of the company is diversified and the chances ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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