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1. What types of costs might justify charging different prices for the same products/services? Do you have any real-world examples of products/services that are sold at more than one price because of cost differences?

2. What comments, questions, and real-world do you have of price discrimination in global markets?

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This solution discussed types of costs and price discrimination as well as examples.

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1. What types of costs might justify charging different prices for the same products/services? Do you have any real-world examples of products/services that are sold at more than one price because of cost differences?

A number of costs are worth considering when it comes to justifying charging different prices for the same producs/services. These include that of technology upkeep, such as that of software and hardware prices in order to sell these to those who are buying computers or phones. For example, a person may notice that rugs, pop, curtains, bed sheets, quilts and so forth are sold differently. Sprite may cost $1.48 at one location, while at another store it is $1.25. This is true of bed sheets. At one store, this is most likely $20.00, but at the other place it is $40.00. Anyone who sees this will immediately notice that it does pay to shop around in order to get the correct price that is affordable for the consumer. Salons offer different prices when it comes to hair cuts. One place is $15, while at another it is $40. Regardless, this is dependent on how well a person is treated and how much he or she is willing to pay.

2. What comments, questions, and real-world do you have of price discrimination in global markets?

I have much to say in regards ...

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