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U.S. Corporations move overseas and what are the results of

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I am doing a research paper. The main question that this paper will address is why do U.S. Corporations move overseas and what are the results of these relocations? I have to administer questionnaires to the following companies about their reasons for relocating. I need 15 questions I can ask each company to use those answers in my thesis/research paper. The questions can be in all areas meaning financial reasons why they relocated, cultural reasons, political reasons.

1. Cooper Industries
2. Ingersoll-Rand
3. Nabors Industries
4. Noble Corp
5. Weatherford International
6. Tyco
7. The PXRE Group,
8. Foster Wheeler

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This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation to answer the request of the assignment of more than 200 words of text.

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Are the salaries for the employees in the relocated country lower for the qualifications required for the company's jobs?

Can the company recruit quality employees in the relocated country?

Will the company be able to expand new market in the relocated country?

Will the company be able to reduce logistics expenses if it relocates?

What are the ...

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