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Decision-Making Strategies: Mutually Agreeable Solution

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Courtney, a sales manager, and her team of six have been assigned the task of developing a marketing strategy for a new software product developed by her company. A couple of team members propose a business plan centered on a good price that would make the product affordable. Some members proposed a marketing plan around the value added by the product, and others felt that the focus should be on the brand. After considerable debate, the team cannot reach a consensus on the strategy. Determine the decision-making strategies Courtney can adopt to complete the task successfully.

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Provides strategies a sales manager often goes through to find a mutually agreeable solution to successfully complete a task.

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In such a scenario in which there is a division on the best course of action to take, there exist decision making strategies that the team can utilize to arrive a mutually acceptable solution. The first one includes the utilization of brainstorming. This basically will involve the team members to front their ideas and cases for which each believes a ...

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