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Functional Team in Leadership

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In 500-600 words and two references original only please

Sometime in your life, you may have wound up on a team that did not function correctly. On the other hand, when you work with a team that functions how a team should, the difference is very noticeable.

Think of a time when you had a dysfunctional team and then another time when you had a team that functioned well.

Answer the following questions:
1. Discuss an experience you have had with a team that struggled and never really got to the point of functioning smoothly.
2. Explain the factors that might have contributed.
3. Discuss an experience you have had with a team that came together and was highly effective.
4. Explain the factors that contributed.

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This response presents a brilliant discussion on dysfunctional team

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Answer the following questions:
1. Discuss an experience you have had with a team that struggled and never really got to the point of functioning smoothly.
The experience that I have with a team that struggled and never really got to the point of functioning smoothly was the team formed to set up a new unit of plastic molding machines in the factory where I worked. Six out of five persons were technical people. The leader seemed to have no idea how the project was to be completed. The team members each knew the specifications of the machines that were to be purchased. However, there was no team member who knew how machines were purchased, what negotiations were required, or how the new structure was to be built. The team avoided meetings and kept on postponing the project till the management disbanded the team and directly set up the new unit. My ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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