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Leadership Skills in Nursing

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Describe a leader you have worked with that has shown compassion to you or a coworker. What were the circumstances? How was this leader moved by the situation? Explain the benefits of provision in servant leadership over the secular view of power. Relate this back to the nursing field.

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This response discusses some leadership skills that are essential to nursing. The circumstances that compassion to coworkers is essential is determined. The benefits of provision in servant leadership over the secular view of power is given.

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A leader that has shown compassion is someone that places their employee's on equal footing as themselves because they recognize that without their employees' their business wouldn't prosper or exist. Therefore, the objective of a servant leader is ensure that employees have the autonomy to be equal partners within the organization aside from major leadership decisions. The employee must be capable of having their needs met before the organization will prosper, and the servant leader recognizes this ...

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