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Successful leadership qualities

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Answer must be 400 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and include 2 scholarly/academic citations.

Question 1: How can a person become a successful leader by being humble?

Question 2: Why is it an important leadership trait to serve others first?

Question 3: What is the import of relying on Jesus' will and ways as it relates to "leading?"

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How a person can become a successful leader by being humble is given. The import of relying on Jesus' will and ways as it relates to leading is given.

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Most of us who are more than 30 or 40 years old are aware of the 1987 movie "Wall Street." In that movie, a stand out speech which was made by one of the protagonists was summarized by the phrase "Greed is Good." However, the question is, is material self-interest, above the interest in the welfare of others, "good"? Additionally, does having it make good leaders in business?

1) How can a person become a successful leader by being humble?
Humility, which the Oxford Dictionary defines as "a modest or low view of one's own importance," (Oxforddictionaries, 2013) does not sound like a quality that a business leader would try to cultivate. However, if one considers that such a leader must work with and motivate those in the business, then logically there would be significant value in having humility. Psychology Today, in its article about Successful Business Leadership, revealed the results of a 30-year study which was published in 2001 in the academic journal Harvard Business Review, of 11 Fortune 500 companies who were considered "good to ...

Solution provided by:
  • MEd, Grand Canyon University
  • MBA, University of Phoenix
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