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UCLA Basketbal Coach Wooden and his Leadership Style

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I need help to find three interesting things about former UCLA Basketball coach Wooden that relate to his leadership style, ways he developed teamwork, and/or influence tactics used by him to motivate others.

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A comprehensive look at Coach Wooden, his leadership style, teamwork development and motivational tactics.

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Coach Wooden was a very ethical man, who stood by his word. When he signed with UCLA for a three year contract, he remained for the entire three years. He did not enjoy his position, and his wife did not like living in Los Angeles. He was offered the head coaching job at Purdue during the second year of his contract with UCLA, but remained because he had given his word. This sense of integrity carried throughout his career, motivating others to follow in his footsteps.
In 1947 John Wooden coached the Indiana State University basketball team to a conference title. His team was ...

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