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Lease vs Buy

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Craxton Engineering will either purchase or lease a new $756,000 fabricator. If purchased, the fabricator will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over seven years. Craxton can lease the fabricator for $130,000 per year for seven years. Craxton's tax rate is 35%. (Assume the fabricator has no residual value at the end of the seven years).

a. What are the free cash flow consequences of buying the fabricator?
b. What are the free cash flow consequences of leasing the fabricator?
c. What are the incremental free cash flows of leasing versus buying?

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Determines the free cash flows for leasing and purchasing a fabricator.

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Craxton Engineering will either purchase or lease a new $756,000 fabricator.  If purchased, the fabricator will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over seven years.  Craxton can lease the fabricator for $130,000 per year for seven years.  Craxton's tax rate is 35%.  (Assume the fabricator has no residual value at the end of the seven years).

a. What are the free cash flow consequences of buying the fabricator?

Tax rate= 35%

Year 0 cash flow= Cost of ...

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