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Principles of Management

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Essay Questions
1. Describe the four steps in the control process. Which step is the most important and why do you take that position? Where have you seen this step used improperly, or where could this step, if mishandled, be disastrous. What industry or field? Explain.

2. Discuss the three primary types of controls, the purposes of each, and how they work.

Text Books:

Telecourse Guide
â?¢ Study lessons 18, 19, 20, and 21 in the Telecourse Guide for Taking the Lead: The Management Revolution, 5th ed., by Paul Sonnenburg and John Allman.

â?¢ Read chapters 15, 16, and appendix A in Management: Meeting and Exceeding Customer Expectations, 9th ed., by Plunkett, Attner, and Allen.

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Solution Summary

The two questions have detailed answers for each.

The first question's answer is approximately 645 words
The second question's answer is approximately 415 words

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