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AT&T iPad Security Breach

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1. As the AT&T CEO, discuss how you would respond differently to this security breach.
2. Discuss the content that you would include in a public service announcement (PSA) informing the public of the breach and your plan to resolve the issue.

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This is a solution that discusses the methods Apple and AT&T should use to make a public service announcement about a breach of information.

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The AT&T IPad security breach exposed the e-mail addresses of over 114,000 3G IPad owners. The seriousness of this security breach was far reaching resulting in stolen e-mail address from military officials, top executives at companies like Dow Jones and the New York Times Company (AT&T Breach Exposed Apple iPad Owners Email Addresses, n.d.). This security breach should be handled more delicately than others because of its seriousness. This case hits at the very core of the United States financial infrastructure and military. The responsibility of ...

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