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The Overall Purpose of a Marketing Plan

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Marketers must understand the tools of their trade.

1. What is the overall purpose of a marketing plan?

2. How does a marketing plan and strategic marketing plan fit together?

3. What are some legal or ethical issues you may need to consider?

4. List and describe the various components of a strategic marketing plan?

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The overall purpose of a marketing plan is to outline the tasks, processes and activities required to successfully market the company's product and services within the broader guidelines and framework provided by the overall strategic plan. Marketing plan streamlines all the marketing related activities and plans of the organization.

Marketing plan and strategic plan fit together in the sense that strategic plan provides broad guideline and framework within which marketing plan needs to operate. Marketing plan, being an inherent component of the strategic plan, has to be fairly aligned with the broader strategic plan and its goals and ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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