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Place & Promotional Strategy for S.C. Johnson Mystical Mop

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Identifying the appropriate place and promotional strategy that should be used in the development of the strategic marketing plan for the Mystical Mop. IHere is a little bit about the product:

S. C. Johnson Mystical Mop targets parents, cleaning fanatics, homeowners, and cleaning service companies. The new product that S.C. Johnson would want to market is the Mystical Mop. The Mystical Mop is an all-in-one Swiffer Duster, Swiffer Wet Jet, and a Shark Steam Cleaner. Not to be confused with a sweeper or basic mop, the Mystical Mop is a combination duster and floor steam cleaner that comes with washable pads, which are replaceable should the pads become lost or worn because of normal wear and tear. Mystical Mopâ??s washable pads are cost-efficient and will aid in the preservation of the economy by allowing consumers to save money by eliminating the need for continuous purchasing and manufacturing of replaceable pads. Mystical Mop will come with S.C. Johnsonâ??s existing cleaner Mr. Muscle, and will be primarily used as a power boost for tough floor stains. Mystical Mop is a light weight duster and steam cleaner with a longer than usual electrical cord and is easy to use and assemble with fewer parts and a larger removable reservoir that makes filling with water easier.

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This detailed solution helps identify the place and promotional strategy that should be used in the development of the strategic marketing plan for S.C. Johnson's Mystical Mop product. It includes links and examples.

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To market the Mystical Mop prominently it would be wise to sell the product in the same stores with which SC Johnson currently markets. Here is a link to a list: http://www.scjohnson.com/en/products/where-to-buy.aspx
You can see that there is a wide variety. Since the product is more appliance in nature, I would concentrate on the larger stores on the list that handle appliances and cleaning products like amazon.com, Costco, Drugstore.com, Kmart, Target, Sam's, Home Depot, and WalMart. In addition, since the Mystical mop has many unique features it would be important to demonstrate the product to consumers. This would work well at Costco, Kmart, Target, Sam's, Home Depot and WalMart. I would consider having retailers encourage their customers to spill on sample flooring sheets, and then show off the Mystical Mop's cleaning ability. A ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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