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Select a company that you think has a good strategy for developing relationships with their customers. I have selected Walmart. Describe and critique the company's strategy for developing relationships with customers. The critique should begin with a discussion of the programs that are currently in place. At a minimum, consider policies for:

- Handling customer complaints
- Providing information about new or existing products
- Placing orders
- Receiving any other feedback from customers
- Tracking an order

*** The analysis should then discuss what is good about the policies and what needs to be improved.
** The final section should include recommendations for improvements. ** Using the appropriate strategies discuss how the company can build customer relationships and / or capture value from customers.
** Suggest strategies that are not already in use.

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This posting gives you an in-depth insight into Wal-Mart

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Wal-Mart - Handling customer complaints:

What is good about Wal-Mart handling customer complaints is that it maintains a "help desk", there are customer service representatives. If the customer is not satisfied she can contact the "Supervisor". However, the policies that are used by customer service representatives are not satisfactory. for instance, if a customer receives wrong items and insists on the correct items that she has ordered. The customer service representative charges the credit card again. The idea is that the company forces the customer to return the "wrong' items and only when it receives them do they return the money. This system should be improved immediately. If a customer receives a wrong item, it is the fault of Wal-Mart and so it should send the correct products immediately without charging the credit card.

The recommendation for improving this situation is that Wal-Mart should set up a system by which the customer representatives can view on a computer the actual order sent in by the customer. if the customer representative feels that Wal-Mart has sent in a wrong product, the representative should apologize to the customer and immediately ship the "correct" product without charging her credit card. In this manner it will be able to address customer complaints satisfactorily and capture value ...

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