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Fundraising Event

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Develop a plan for a local fundraising event in your area. Include your thoughts on marketing strategies, budgeting, staffing, and evaluation. Use specific details to support your discussion.

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Solution Summary

The answer to this problem explains the organization of a local fundraising event. The references related to the answer are also included. 371 words total.

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The plan for a local fundraising event in my area is organizing a Valentine fair. The fair will sell handicrafts, cakes, cards, and homemade gifts.

The fundraising event is being held to support a charity that provides food and nutrition packages to children. The event will be held in the fair park. Permission and permit for the fair will be obtained at least three weeks in advance.

The marketing strategy for the fair will be to place three hoardings for a period of three weeks before Valentine with the permission of the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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  • "I read your comments, and thank you for this feedback. Do I need to find other studies that applied this methodology Ive used? That's where I'm stuck at."
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